CODE PRICE Título (español/portugués) Ancho-cm Alto-cm Title (English) W inches H inches
X140-97 $4,000 Mariachis de la ciudad de Méjico 55.9 73.7 Mariachis in Mexico City 22 29
X138-97 $4,000 Ventas populares en Sioux Falls 73.7 55.9 Garage Sale in Sioux Falls 29 22
X129-96 $3,500 La novia Copacabanesa 58.4 73.7 The Copacabana Bride 23 29
X128-96 $7,000 La Reina del Carnaval de Rio 58.4 78.7 The Queen of Rio's Carnival 23 31
X085-95 $8,500 Gitana Anadaluza 76.2 61.0 Andalucian Gypsy 30 24
X126-96 $3,000 Bailando “Western 3x2” en Dakota del Sur 45.7 61.0 Dancing " triple-two” in South Dakota 18 24
X119-96 $6,500 Gitana sevillana 61.0 91.4 Gypsy in Seville 24 36
X092-95 $3,500 Merlin: El Mago y la Fada Morgana 80.0 70.0 Merlin,the Magician,and Fada Morgana 23 31
X088-95 $3,500 A paquera na colheita do guarana 80.0 70.0 Flirting during the guarana´s harvest 23 31
X045-95 $3,500 Guaranazeiro na colheita 80.0 70.0 Guarana´s harvest (picker) 29 22
X039-95 $4,000 Escorrego natural, Lençois, Chapada Diamantina 80.0 70.0 Rock-sliding in Lençois, Chapada Diamantina 31 23
X035-95 $3,500 Preparos para o Natal em Iguasú 80.0 70.0 Christmas Preparations in Iguassu Falls 31 23
X024-95 $3,500 Contando estorinhas  80.0 70.0 Story telling (by teacher) 22 30
X018-95 $3,500 Menino recebe guarana da mamae 80.0 70.0 Mother offering guarana to her son 23 31
X013-95 $3,500 Jugando en la selva 80.0 70.0 Playing in the forest 22 30
X012-94 $4,000 Jugando con armadillo y tortuga 80.0 70.0 Children playing w armadillos and turtles 31 23
X010-94 $3,500 Hora do lanche 80.0 70.0 Lunch time 23 31
X009-94 $3,500 Voltando para casa 80.0 70.0 Returning home 22 30
X007-94 $3,500 A volta da colheita (do milho) 80.0 70.0 Corn harvest, returning home 22 30
X006-94 $3,500 O samba em Cabo Frio 80.0 70.0 Dancing samba in Cabo Frio 31 23
X005-94 $3,500 A oferta do menino e do macaquinho 80.0 70.0 Boy with monkey, offering bananas to mother 23 31
X003-94 $3,500 A colheita em Maués 80.0 70.0 Guarana harvest in Maués 30 22
X001-94 $3,500 Pensativas 80.0 70.0 Women pondering 23 31



Will remain unaltered for the foreseeable future.

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 Last modified: October 02, 2014             Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!